Ways to Give
Memorial and Tribute Gifts
Honor an Animal Lover, or a Loving Pet
Did someone inspire your love for animals? Do you want to remember a beloved pet or person who impacted your life? Consider an honor or memorial gift to help save animals in a beautiful way. Please contact us at donorsupport@houstonspca.org if you have any questions or would prefer a card mailed to your recipient.
Make a Gift in Honor or Memory
You can make an honor or tribute gift online and pick a card layout for the animal lover in your life, or make a gift in honor of your own pet. We will send your message instantly via email.
Purchase a Tribute Brick
Your special message will be engraved on your choice of two brick sizes. Bricks will live on the Houston SPCA campus, and we welcome your visit at any time to see your legacy. Bricks are $500 or $1,000 depending on size.