We have zero tolerance when it comes to animal cruelty in the Houston metro area. Our teams are uniquely equipped to rescue many types of animals from all kinds of abuse and neglect.

If you need help, call 713-869-SPCA

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Kids can help save lives, too!

Your donations support our community programming, including our activities for the next generation of animal supporters.

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Your Donation Makes a Difference

Your gift helps an animal in our care right now! Without you we could not do the work we do – so please consider a gift today!

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We are open!

Visit our Pet Wellness Clinic for affordable, preventive care!

NOW TREATING Common Illnesses

  • Heartworm Disease
  • Respiratory Infections
  • Skin Infections
  • Diarrhea
  • Ear Infections

At this time, we do not offer veterinary care for injured or extremely ill pets, nor do we provide spaying or neutering services.

Pet Wellness Clinic
  • Donate
  • Report Cruelty

Since 1924

We're Celebrating 100 Years!

100 Years of Life-saving Work

A hundred years ago, community leaders in Houston came together to establish the Houston SPCA. Since 1924, the organization has remained steadfast in its mission: to protect animals in the community. Through hard work, dedication, and a commitment to creating a safe environment for animals, the Houston SPCA has grown into the influential force it is today. From conducting investigations into animal cruelty to assisting in disasters, the Houston SPCA is involved in every aspect of animal welfare. We are the Campus For All Animals, and we do it ALL.

The Beginning

In an era when animal welfare was starting to become a widespread concern, propelled a group of community leaders to establish the Houston SPCA. Its first leaders were initially committed to the welfare of Houston’s horses and women and children in need. The first location, affectionately called The Shelter, was located at 216 Jackson Street. Help for animals in need at the time included horses, sheep, cats, and dogs.

Animal Cruelty Investigations

In the 1930s, the rescue and protection organization began relying on the community’s eyes and ears to report animal cruelty. They encouraged Houstonians to dial “Wayside 1744” to speak with a humane investigator about potential animal abuse. By 1945, archive records show they conducted 2,368 investigations and yearly inspections for animals in need.

Animal Rescue Ambulance

A donated rescue van with a ladder secured to the top was used to respond to reports of animals in need, including those trapped in sewers, car engines, or even on roofs of homes as early as the 1930s. It was often called “Houston’s Animal Ambulance.” Born out of necessity, it was another service that the community needed, and the Houston SPCA was there to step in for the city’s most vulnerable animals: animals unowned and injured. Today, the Houston SPCA still has the only 24-hour Animal Rescue Ambulance in the Gulf Coast Region.

Veterinary Services

In the early 1970s, Dr. L.D. Eckermann, a longtime Houston SPCA supporter, board member, and award-winning veterinarian, was among the local veterinarians who began volunteering on days off to lend his expertise and provide medical care to shelter animals. The Houston SPCA hired its first full-time veterinarian in 1985, along with several graduate technicians.

Disaster Response

Since the 1980s, the Houston SPCA has been at the forefront of responding to natural disasters to help animals in need, such as Hurricane Ike in 2008, Tri-County Fires in 2011, and the Bahamas in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian in 2019. In 2017, Houston SPCA rescued 2,300 dogs and cats and 80 displaced horses, farm animals, and native wildlife in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

Wildlife Rehabilitation

Houston SPCA’s Wildlife Center of Texas began when passionate and dedicated wildlife rehabilitators Sharen Schmalz, Margaret Pickell, and Debbie Mitchell recognized the urgent need for a dedicated facility to support all the injured, orphaned, and ill native wildlife impacted by urban expansion and environmental challenges in Houston. An estimated 92,591 wild animals have come into our care since 2008. 

Exotics Rescue

The Houston SPCA saw a surge in the popularity of exotic pets around the early 2000s, and with it came cases of inadequate care, neglect, and abandonment. In 2000, Creutly investigators rescued four tigers, four lions, two leopards, and a wolf. The organization partners with sanctuaries and zoos around the country to ensure the rescued animals now imprinted by humans could live the rest of their lives in environments that closely resemble their natural habitats.

Veterinary Partnerships

The organization started a program with Texas A&M where senior veterinary students are trained on campus. They are required to spend two weeks on campus learning how to practice veterinary medicine in a shelter environment. The teaching program provides veterinary students with a broad range of high-quality training experiences under expert supervision to ensure they are well-prepared for the various challenges they will face as practicing veterinarians.


In 2018, Houston SPCA’s William and Evelyn Griffin Campus for All Animals opened to the community at 7007 Old Katy Road. The state-of-the-art, 12-acre campus provides sanctuary and healing to animals in need and serves as an educational hub for the community to foster a love and respect for all living beings.

Pet Wellness Clinic

The Houston SPCA opened its first Pet Wellness Clinic to the community, specializing in preventive and affordable care. The clinic now treats common illnesses such as heartworm disease, respiratory infections, skin infections, diarrhea and ear infections.


2024 Upcoming Events

Take advantage of the fun we have in store for 2024!

A Message From CEO, Patricia Mercer

“This signifcant milestone in our organization’s histoy demonstrates our steadfast commitment to protecting animals who suffer from neglect abuse, and the unwavering pursuit of justice on their behalf.”