We have zero tolerance when it comes to animal cruelty in the Houston metro area. Our teams are uniquely equipped to rescue many types of animals from all kinds of abuse and neglect.

If you need help, call 713-869-SPCA

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Kids can help save lives, too!

Your donations support our community programming, including our activities for the next generation of animal supporters.

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Join our community of dedicated supporters and make a lasting impact for animals in need. Your monthly gift provides consistent care, shelter, and love to vulnerable animals all year long.

🌟 Start your monthly gift today and save lives every day.

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Open: Thur - Sun, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Visit our Pet Wellness Clinic for affordable, preventive care!

NOW TREATING Common Illnesses

  • Heartworm Disease
  • Respiratory Infections
  • Skin Infections
  • Diarrhea
  • Ear Infections

At this time, we do not offer veterinary care for injured or extremely ill pets, nor do we provide spaying or neutering services.

Pet Wellness Clinic
  • Donate
  • Report Cruelty

Bellaire Nature Discovery Center’s Pumpkin Patch Festival

October 16, 2022 11:00 am-4:00 pm
Houston SPCA's Wildlife Center of Texas will be at Bellaire Nature Discovery Center’s Pumpkin Patch Festival enjoying fall weather and teaching animal lovers in the community about native wildlife.

Houston SPCA’s Wildlife Center of Texas will be present at Bellaire Nature Discovery Center’s Pumpkin Patch Festival.

You’ll be able to meet our ambassadors and learn more about how to help native wildlife, as well as enjoy other family activities like making a Chia Pet, Pine Cone Bird Feeder and decorating pumpkins!

This event will be held at 4537 N. Shepherd., Houston, TX 77018.