(January 19, 2022)
The Houston SPCA investigators seized 21 cats and one kitten from a property in southeast Houston with a warrant from the Office of Constable Alan Rosen, Harris County Constable Precinct 1.
Although timid at first, many of the cats seized proved to be very social. They followed our investigators throughout the home as they checked each room. One even hopped into an investigators’ arms and hitched a ride on another’s shoulder.
Animal hoarding is a complex issue in the world of animal welfare. Some owners find themselves caring for large quantities of animals because of a mental illness. As a result, the care of the animals suffer. Hoarding has no set number. If a dozen animals are well cared for and their needs met, there is no need to report. However, once animals can’t escape their own waste, aren’t reliably fed and provided water, hoarding is a concern. Common problems seen in animals that come from hoarding cases include behavioral issues such as shyness, and contagious diseases like URI (upper respiratory infection).
If you or someone you care about is struggling to care for a large number of their animals, please reach out at 713-869-SPCA for assistance.
Animal cruelty in any form can be reported to the Houston SPCA. Call 713-869-7722 or file a report online.